Game Info
Platform: Android
Genre: Adult+18
Mode: Offline

About The Game
King of the Raft is a visual novel game.
You can click through the story, select options, and hear immersive dialogue that matches the story.
The story is about: Atlantis existed and the faction from our legends loved Earthlings.
They departed, forgetting about Earth. A new faction sees our inferior species destroying the planet.
They claim Earth as theirs, opening portals to flood the oceans to above 7000'. Zack is jet skiing in Florida when the apocalypse happens.
He saves a damsel in distress, discovers freaky sea monsters, and creates a raft city.
Zack must save the desperate, improve his base, and use the overlords reward system to bide his time... 

Game Screenshots

Gameplay Video

Download Page

How To Download The Games

After clicking on the link (Green Download Page Button), if any ads shows up, just click back button on your phone and it will take you back to this page, then click on the link again and it will take you to the download page.

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